Hey there!
My name is Adelina and I am a current freshman, studying at the University of New Mexico. Among other classes that I am taking this semester, I am a part of the Freshman Learning Community in a class called Microbes: Friends or Foes? This class is a microbiology class linked with English 101. Throughout the year we have learned a lot about microorganisms in our microbes class, and have learned how to write on various microbial topics in our English class.
A part of the English class is to create a blog based off of a microbiological topic. The topic I chose was microbes and sex. I choose this topic because the age that I am at, my peers and I are very curious about sex, and quite frankly think we are know-it-alls on the topic. In reality we aren’t and so I am going to try to expand our knowledge on the subject. While everyone will expect the blog to be all about what we know as “sex”, it’s not. I am going to branch out and talk about sex among microbes, what microbes have to do with human sexual encounters, and also how depending on your sex, what kind of microbes live inside of you. I am hoping to address topics that are interesting to readers who are curious to learn more about microbes and sex.
Throughout this blog-writing experience I hope to give some good information about the microbes that have to do with sex, and possibly answer questions that my readers may have!
Hope you enjoy!